
best-selling author


“You never know when you'll need a good
bit of string.”

Gerald Perry Esq.
Founder of the Old Relics Society

When Geoffrey McSkimming was a boy he found an old motion-picture projector and a tin containing a dusty home movie in his grandmother’s attic. He screened the film and was transfixed by the flickering image of a man in a jaunty pith helmet, baggy Sahara shorts and special desert sun-spectacles. The man had an imposing macaw and a clever-looking camel, and Geoffrey McSkimming was mesmerised by their activities back in black-and-white Egypt, Peru, Greece, Mexico, Sumatra, Turkey, Italy and other exotic locations.

Years later he discovered the identities of the trio, and he has spent much of his time since retracing their footsteps, interviewing surviving members of the Old Relics Society, and gradually reconstructing the lost true tales of Cairo Jim, which have become the enormously successful Cairo Jim chronicles.


Plait my plumage!

Doris the macaw is a Peruvian Regal Macaw who has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the works of William Shakespeare and an appetite for fresh Malawian snails.

Along with Brenda the Wonder Camel, she is Cairo Jim’s close friend and companion.

She first set her beady eyes on him, when she spied him from a branch high up in the Peruvian Jungle on the Trail to ChaCha Muchos! 

Pick your copies of the Cairo Jim chronicles through our bookshop on …

Doris the macaw

The Cairo Jim chronicles


The Jocelyn Osgood Jaunts

Romp into the Cairo Jim chronicles ...


on the Trail to ChaCha Muchos

Legend has it that somewhere in Peru, atop a towering, jungle-covered mountain, stand the ruins of ChaCha Muchos, the Lost City of the Dancers. What hapened there nearly five hundred years ago remains a mystery.

Who were these people? Why did they build their city so far from civilisation? And why, in the end, did the entire tribe dance itself to extinction?

When that well-known archaeologist and little-known poet, Cairo Jim, sets out to solve the  mystery, he doesn’t know that he is not the only one on the trail to ChaCha Muchos …

An Epic Tale of Rhythm


in Search of Martenarten

Far away in upper Egyot, in a place known as the Valley of the Kings, that well-known archaeologist and little-known poet, Cairo Jim (assisted by Doris the macaw and Brenda the Wonder Camel), is searching for the lost tomb of Pharaoh Martenarten, Worshipper of the Moon and King of ancient Egypt.

But somebody of great deviousness, treachery and manicured evil wants what they are after. And he will stop at nothing to claim it for his own!

A Tale of Archaeology, Adventure and Astonishment


and the Sunken Sarcophagus of Sekheret

When the manicured evil genius, Captain Neptune F. Bone, disappears in the Red Sea while diving for a lost sarcophagus, that well-know archaeologits and little0known poet, Cairo Jim, is called in to try and help find him in the dark and watery depths.

But when Jim, Doris the macaw and Brenda the Wonder Camel take the plunge, little do they know that what they are about to find will become one of the most flabbergasting discoveries in the history of archaeology!

A Tale of Mathem, Mystery and Moisture


and the Alabastron of Forgotten Gods

A seemingly ordinary vase is stolen from the Greek Archaeological Museaum by a figure swathed in mystery. But the vase—an ancient alabastron—holds a secret: a potent force within it that must NOT be allowed to escape!

It is up to Cairo Jim (that well-known archaeologist and little-known poet) and friends to track down the thief, before the alabastron’s mysterious contents are unleashed upon the modern worl …

A Tale of Disposable Dispicableness


and the Quest for the Quetzal Queen

Strange paintings have come to light in ancient Mexican pyramids and temples. Is the mysterious woman depicted in the paintings the actual Quetzal Queen? Did she really reign for almost 800 years? And if so, how?

What has the sudden disappearance of Mademoiselle Fifi Glusac (the famous contortionist and harmonica player) got to do with it?

Cairo Jim, that well-known archaeologist and little-known poet, with his friends Doris the macaw and Brenda the Wonder Camel, finds himself faced with another flabbergasting mystery from times past …

A Mayan Tale of Marvels


and the Secret Sepulchre of the Sphinx

When that well-know archaeologist and little-known poet, Cairo Jim, and his firends Doris the macaw and brenda the Wonder Camel, and Jocelyn Osgood make the ‘find of the century’, a new enemy on the scene sets out to discredit Jim and destroy his hard-won reputation …

Another mind-blowing mystery of history from the master of archaeological humour and suspense, Geoffrey McSkimming. The BIGGEST DISCOVERY of all the Cairo Jim stories!

A Tale of Incalculable Inversion


Amidst the Petticoats of Artemis

In the ruins of the ancient city of Ephesus in Turkey, an astonishing relic has been unearthed!

What connection to the bygone goddess Artemis does this relic hold? What extraordinary powers could be unleasehed if it were to fall into the wrong, evil and manicured hands?

Cairo Jim—that well-known archaeologist and little-known poet—and his friends Doris the macaw and Brenda the Wonder Camel find themselves faced with the greatest threat to Nature itself! Another tale from the master of archaeological humour and suspense, Geoffrey McSkimming!

A Turkish Tale of Treachery


and the Lagoon of Tidal Magnificence

High in the crater of an extinct, jungle-covered volcano in Sumatra, a legendary ancient palace is thought to exist …

What astounding secret does this palace harbour? Where is the missing Turkish Women’s Olympic Championship Tent Erection Team? What has the Glamourdust Glove and Gusset Company got to do with it? Will Cairo Jim (that well-known archaeologist and little-known poet) and his friends Doris the macaw, Brenda the Wonder CAmel and Jocelyn Osgood of Valkyrian Airways, discover the amazing truth? Do you know that your top button is undone?

Another action-packed, breathless romp of historical whimsy from the pen of Geoffrey McSkimming!

A Sumatran Tale of Splendour


and the Tyrannical Bauble of Tiberius

Strange happenings are afoor into Rome, where a priceless and mysterious artefact—the Imperishable Bauble of the ancient emperor Tiberius—has gone missing!

Cairo Jim—that well-known archaeologist and little-known poet—and his friends Doris the macaw and brenda the Wonder Camel are sent to Rome to try to get to the bottom of this act of felony.

Tey soon  discover that the Bauble has terrifying powers if it is held in the wrong hands … powers that could herald the end of civilisation as we know it!

A Tale of Ancient Atrocity


and the Chaos from Crete

Strange, toxic gases are spreading through the ruins of the ancient Palace of Knossos in Crete, forcing tourists and visitors to abandon the site. Where are these gases coming from? Who is the rambunctious man in the gas mask and rubber suit who appears amid these foul odors? And what extraordinary secret lies beneath the ruins of Knossos—a secret that many have believed was, until now, a mere myth?

Cairo Jim (that well-known archaeologist and little-known poet) and his friends Doris the macaw and Brenda the Wonder Camel uncover one of the grossest distortions of history in this, the tenth suspenseful and startling mystery of history in the Cairo Jim chronicles!

A Tale of Underground Uncertainty


and the Rorting of Rameses' Regalia

In the dark, long-forgotten antechamber in the Temple of Hathor, an astonishing hieroglyphic discovery has been made!

What have the hieroglyphics got to do with the legendary Transilient Sceptre of Rameses? Is it true that this dust-smothered ancient sceptre could possibly have the astounding powers attributed to it? Will this power once again see the light of day in this modern age?

Cairo Jim, that well-known archaeologist and little-known poet, and his friends Doris the macaw and Brenda the Wonder Camel find out that all that glitters is NOT gold …

An Alarming Tale of Alchemy


in Bedlam from Bollywood

From a Bollywood film studio in India, Valkyrian Airways flight attendant Jocelyn Osgood finds herself flung into a subcontinent of intrigue, danger and curries, the likes of which she has never known. But this is only the beginning compared to what awaits her good friend, that well-known archaeologist and little-known poet, Cairo Jim, and his companions Doris the macaw and Brenda the Wonder Camel. Does the jungle really hold all the secrets of magic whispered of by those who believe in such things?

The 12th bout of suspenseful, breakneck nonsense and inspired whimsy from the man who marches to a rhythm all his own, Geoffrey McSkimming!

An Indian Tale of Incredulity


and the Sumptuous Stash of Silenus

Is it possible that one of the greatest and most powerful beings from ancient mythology could still actually exist in the 21st century? Is it possible that Neptune F. Bone, that dangerous and deluded evil genius, knows of his whereabouts? Is it possible that Cairo Jim, that well-known archaeologist and little-known poet, and his friends Doris the macaw and Brenda the Wonder Camel find themselves faced with another mystery of history, and a trail of gold, greed and gruesomeness?

The 13th account of unexpected delvings and ancient rediscoveries from Cairo Jim’s ardent and exuberant chronicler, Geoffrey McSkimming!

A Tale of Gold, Greed and Gruesomeness


at the Crossroads of Orpheus

All’s smell that ends smell!

In the dusty ruins of the ancient House of the Perfumer at Pompeii, astonishing discoveries are taking place! Perfumes, long forgotten, are being reinvented and given new life. But when one of these whiffs of wonderment—believed to have legendary hypnotic powers—goes missing, it is up to that well-known archaeologist and little-known poet, Cairo Jim, and his friends to try to stop a rush of evil so gargantuan that the world could be plunged into a chasm of eternal terror!

The 14th subtle onslaught of whimsy and historical strangeness from that inky, tireless scribbler, Geoffrey McSkimming!

A Tale of Perfumes, Peril and Pompeii


and the Astragals of Angkor

The Astragals of Angkor, strange ancient carvings from Cambodia, are rediscovered in the Vaults of Abandonment, depp below the Old Relics Society in CAiro. Where did the Astragals come from? Who are the peole depicted on them? And why are they shown in such outrageous positions?

Cairo Jim, that well-known archaeologist and little-known poet, finds himself faced with the most astounding revelations of his career in this fifteenth tale in the Cairo Jim chronicles. Little does he realise that such bizarre contortions may lead to minumental destruction of all that we know …

A Tale of Extraordinary Entanglement



and the Portal of Peristophanes

A dark, fearsome secret lies hidden in a mysterious place, forgotten by time and humanity. If this secret were to be released, the world as we know it would be brought to its very knees! Somehow, a monstrous man obsessed by his own importance has stumbled onto the location of this threatening secret. And he is on a hurtling mission to set it free, and obtain its power as his reward! Will the world buckle? Will our very existence be altered catastrophically? Will the end of our days of freedom and safety be looming on a bleak, barren horizon?

The world needs the return of an archaeologist-poet and his devoted friends, intent on putting things to right. The world has been waiting … it needs such a man like never before.

A Tale of Mystery, Malevolence and Meringues

after the
puce empress

A Jocelyn Osgood Jaunt

While on a stormbound flight to Shanghai, a mysterious old man from Manchuria thrusts a strange object into the hand of Jocelyn Osgood, the well-known Flight Attendant with Valkyrian Airways. When the old man inexplicably disappears, he leaves Jocelyn with a clue to the whereabouts of an antique Chinese treasure—one that holds the very secret to pure magic.

With advice from Cairo Jim, Jocelyn embarks upon a search for the Puce Empress. But Gordon Slenderhead, that renowned prestidigitator, is also after the Empress, and his devious desire is all-consuming …

A Jocelyn Osgood Jaunt

above zarundi

A Jocelyn Osgood Jaunt

While on a stopover in the mysterious African country of Zarundi, Jocelyn Osgood—that well-known Valkyrian Airways Flight Attendant and ‘good friend’ of Cairo Jim—becomes unwittingly embroiled in the theft of a priceless royal tiara. She and her companions find themselves thrown into a world of subtle chaos which carries them across an intriguing and colorful landscape as they try desperately to locate the stolen regalia and two renegade Tropical Xylophonists …

A Chaotic Tale of Melody

ascent into

A Jocelyn Osgood Jaunt

While stopping over in Norway, Joan Twilight buys a rusty old hammer for her friend, Jocelyn Osgood (the well-known Flight Attendant with Valkyrian Airways and ‘good friend’ of Cairo Jim), whom she knows has a minor lust for antiquities.

With advice from Cairo Jim, Jocelyn and Joan seek out Professor Kurt Snerdforst, an expert on things now forgotten. Jocelyn decides to return the hammer to an isolated location in Norway’s cold, northern regions.

Slowly, however, the shadows of an ancient world begin to creep across their journey, as the hammer proves to be much more than a worthless, dusty relic…

A Jocelyn Osgood Jaunt


Image Sources: 9 Diamonds Press